12:30 PM Eastern / 9:30 AM Pacific the Federal Reserve minutes are today and on a technical level that usually means higher volatility than the current average. I am not interested in what Mr. Ben Bernanke has to say today unless he happens to against the grain and say something earth shattering. I think its a safer bet that the winner of this years superbowl will be the Cincinatti Bengals and they'll go 19-0 in pro football in a year there may not even be a football season. The odds are lottery like as would the odds be for Ben Bernanke to explain so that the average person can understand that its a debt based world or have Ben say that the gold standard is coming back or even for Ben to say he is sorry and he and other banks were greedy. Those things you aren't going to see. What you will see is talk about inflation at two percent or maybe even three. The word "Jobless Recovery" has now fallen down the waistline and those are the creative type of buzz words I expect. For a chart technical level, what normally happens is the volatility to go lower in the moments leading up to the event and then things to explode as the meeting starts. Normally the fed meetings state 2:15pm EDT and this is one is earlier. That means at exactly 12:30 the stock market, the dollar, the bonds market as well as gold and silver will move violently. Because the average hourly move was well over one percent from top to bottom to start this week the odds would state it could be a 4% move in less than an hour after the meeting. This is hard to say how aggressive it will be. Check back later on as I hope to show an awesome intraday chart from 12:30 to whenever this thing cools down.
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