Thursday, 27 October 2011

George Soros: "People don't realize that the system has actually collapsed" | Credit Writedowns

George Soros: "People don't realize that the system has actually collapsed" | Credit Writedowns

George Soros, who knows a thing or two about finances, likens the threats to Europe and the United States to that of the dying days of the Soviet regime.

“Something similar is happening in the West,” Mr. Soros told Bloomberg Television. “You had a financial crisis where the market did actually collapse, but it was kept alive by the authorities. People don’t realize that the system has actually collapsed.”

The Hungarian-born financier said he himself is confused by Europe's woes.

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Position Sizing and Money Management for Traders

by on Nov 17, 2010

Van Tharp talks about position sizing.

Money management is a very confusing term. When we looked it up on the Internet, the only people who used it the way that Van was using it were the professional gamblers. Money management as defined by other people seems to mean controlling your personal spending; giving money to others for them to manage, risk control, making the maximum gain, plus 1,000 other definitions.

To avoid confusion, Van elected to call money management "Position Sizing." Position sizing answers the question, "how big of a position should you take for any one trade?"
Position sizing is the part of your trading system that tells you “how much.
Once a trader has established the discipline to keep their stop loss on every trade, without question the most important area of trading is position sizing. Most people in mainstream Wall Street totally ignore this concept, but Van believes that position sizing and psychology count for more than 90% of total performance (or 100% if every aspect of trading is deemed to be psychological).

Position sizing is the part of your trading system that tells you how many shares or contracts to take per trade. Poor position sizing is the reason behind almost every instance of account blowouts. Preservation of capital is the most important concept for those who want to stay in the trading game for the long haul.
Imagine that you had $100,000 to trade. Many traders (or investors, or gamblers) may just jump right in and decide to invest a substantial amount of this equity ($25,000 maybe?) on one particular stock because they were told about it by a friend, or it sounded like a great buy; or perhaps they decide to buy 10,000 shares of a single stock because the price is only $4.00 a share (equating to $40,000).

They have no pre-planned exit or idea about when they are going to get out of the trade if it happens to go against them and they are subsequently risking a LOT of their initial $100,000 unnecessarily.
To prove this point, we’ve done many simulated games in which everyone gets the same trades. At the end of the simulation, 100 different people will have 100 different final equities, with the exception of those who go bankrupt. And after 50 trades, we’ve seen final equities that range from bankrupt to $13 million—yet everyone started with $100,000 and they all got the same trades. .......

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Trading Mistakes

by on Nov 17, 2010

Dr Van Tharp talks about trading mistakes and ways to avoid them.

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Lachman Says Europe May Face Credit Crunch, Recession

Bloomberg | Oct 26, 2011 | 91 views
Oct. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Desmond Lachman, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, discusses the European sovereign debt crisis. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "InBusiness With Margaret Brennan." (Source: Bloomberg)
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Steve Jobs’ medical reality distortion field

Steve Jobs’ medical reality distortion field
Oct 21 2011
As I pointed out in my previous post about Steve Jobs, I’m a bit of an Apple fan boy. A housemate of mine got the very first Mac way back in 1984, and ever since I bought my first computer that was mine and mine alone back in 1991 (a Mac LC), I’ve used nothing but Macintosh computers, except when compelled to use Windows machines by work—and even then under protest. Indeed, as I searched for jobs at various times in my life, I asked myself whether I could accept a job at an institution that didn’t permit me to have a Mac in my office, such as the V.A. Fortunately, I never had to make that choice. All of this explains why I paid a lot of attention to Steve Jobs and also why his death saddened me and, relevant to this blog, the clinical history of the cancer that killed him fascinates me.

It’s often been said that there was a sort of “reality distortion field” around Steve Jobs. It was a part joking, part derogatory, part admiring term applied to Jobs’ talent for persuasion in which, through a combination of personal charisma, bravado, hyperbole, marketing, and persistence, Jobs was able to persuade almost anyone, even developers and engineers, of almost anything. In particular, it referred to his ability to convince so many people that each new Apple product was the greatest thing ever, even when that product had obvious flaws. Unfortunately, as more news comes out about how Steve Jobs initially dealt with his diagnosis of a neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas (specifically, an insulinoma) back in 2003 and 2004, it’s become apparent that Jobs had his own medical reality distortion field, at least in the beginning right after his diagnosis of a rare form of pancreatic cancer, that allowed him to come to think that he might be able to reverse his cancer with diet plus various “alternative” modalities. ........

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EU leaders dither over rescue

By James Kirkup, and Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
9:56PM BST 26 Oct 2011
Eurozone debt crisis: EU leaders dither over rescue plan
European Union leaders have been accused of failing to address the continent’s debt crisis as an emergency summit stumbles towards a limited rescue deal and ducks critical decisions. ........

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Eurozone debt crisis: talks break down as Angela Merkel rejects rescue

Thursday 27 October 2011

By James Kirkup, and Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
9:02PM BST 25 Oct 2011

Eurozone debt crisis: talks break down as Angela Merkel rejects rescue deal...

Rows between Europe’s leaders threatened to undermine attempts to rescue the eurozone as it emerged that a make-or-break summit will not address key aspects of the deepening crisis....

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Oct 31 2011 TIME Magazine Cover...,16641,20111031,00.html

Be Very Afraid of The China Bubble

Read more:,9171,2097399,00.html#ixzz1bweIu54q

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Hey, Look Who’s A Safe Haven Again! (Hint: Gold)

OCTOBER 25, 2011, 10:39 AM ET      Hey, Look Who’s A Safe Haven Again! (Hint: Gold)

By Mark Gongloff

It looks like gold’s long summer in the wilderness, shunned as a safe haven, is over.......

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Buy Netflix? A Bull vs. Bear Debate With a Cautionary

Buy Netflix? A Bull vs. Bear Debate With a Cautionary Tale;_ylt=Ai36IHlQUduAVhcb81uXmC27YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE5ZXJqN2JxBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNGUEJyZWFrb3V0QmxvZwRzbGsDYnV5bmV0ZmxpeGFi

Netflix (NFLX) hasn't "disappointed" investors over the last four months. Apple (AAPL) disappointed, as did 3M (MMM). IBM (IBM) came in a little light. Even Amazon (AMZN), with earnings declining 73% on worse than expected revenues and a stock drop of 10%, is still within a standard deviation or two of what can be happen during earnings season.
What Netflix has done to shareholders is something entirely different. Netflix chained investors to the back fender of the company car and floored it. A price increase announced in July and an inexplicable plan to separate the DVD and streaming businesses in September, amongst other failings, had combined to drive NFLX stock down 60%.
All of which was prior to Monday's horror show of an earnings release. You can read the details almost anywhere. For our purposes let's just say it was a quarter that bespoke a company completely out of control of its own business and clueless as to how to right the ship. The market responded by taking yet another 36% out of the stock on more than 3x average volume.
All of which is in rearview. All investors should be concerned with now is whether or not the selling is "overdone" as they say on Wall Street. My co-host Matt Nesto and I explored the issue with an old fashioned Bull versus Bear debate.............

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Europe Wallows In Insolveable Problems | International Forecaster Weekly Bob Chapman The International Forcaster

Europe Wallows In Insolveable Problems | International Forecaster Weekly Bob Chapman The International Forcaster | Economy News | Investing | US Market Information | Gold | Silver | Wall Street Bailouts | Investment Trends | Money Resources | US and Worldwide Politics

We address this European issue, because soon it will debut in the US. The comprehensive policy response, which we have been told existed, really doesn’t exist. We found that out last Friday. All the lies of the past two weeks by various European governments and bureaucrats, as well as Mr. Sarkozy and Mrs. Merkel, were just more delaying tactics to attempt to find a solution to Europe’s financial dilemma. As part of this display of smoke and mirrors, these hopeful signs, generated large gains in US and European stock markets, of course, with the assistance of the “President’s Working Group on Financial Markets.” At the same time as usual gold, silver and commodities markets were attacked viciously. This is how markets and economies are manipulated when in control of our corporatist fascist government.

Following the lead of the Federal Reserve two weeks ago both the Bank of England and the European Central Bank added more wood to the fire by expanding their issuance of money and credit. As we have previously pointed out the system cannot function without perpetual quantitative easing or stimulus. That is because no attempt has been made to solve the problems of the economy and unemployment. In the US, UK and Europe only the financial sectors and governments have been recapitalized. That is ongoing. This is the solution offered by the Fed and all others should follow such dictates. Policymakers may be energized with three conferences on tap, but that means little. Germany is the key, the German people, and they are not budging. They have had it. Being forced for 66 years to do as they have been told. That era of allied hegemony is over. While they are at it they should remove foreign troops from their soil. ...........

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October 26, 2011 Midday Metals Report

IraEpsteinFutures | Oct 26, 2011
Commodities, Ira Epstein, Linn Group, Futures Trading, Online Trading, Technical Analysis, Metals Report, Sales: 866-973-2077
All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advise. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold MinKL Invest harmless in any and all ways.