Thursday, 4 August 2011

Pimco's Gross says "we are at a tipping point"

by on Aug 2, 2011
Bill Gross of Pimco spoke to Bloomberg Television's Carol Massar this afternoon about the debt-ceiling debate.

Gross on the debt-ceiling deal what we should be paying attention to:
“Very few people have focused on liabilities over the longer term. We have a $10-12 trillion debt, but basically, we also have $60 trillion present costs in terms of future liabilities. We are talking about Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. I call those debt-men walking. That means in addition to paper, we have 330 million people who are walking around as future liabilities for this country. To the extent that we have promised them entitlements through health-care and Social Security, that total is $60 trillion, six times the existing debt. We have a whale of a program to go, not just in terms of this particular targeted program, but in terms of forward years, where $1trillion to $2 trillion has to come from the budget every year in order to maintain the semblance of a AAA country.”
On whether the U.S. can get to a balanced approach:
“It does seem like lawmakers can’t get to it and whether they will in November and beyond is a critical question. To our way of thinking, tax hikes have to be part of the equation, tax hikes for the billionaires and for the hedge funds in terms of carried interest, but we’re talking about corporations as well. Corporations have the lowest tax rate on a historical basis. 10% of GDP that they’ve had over the past century. Those that would suggest that corporations won’t invest unless their taxes are reduced are sadly mistaken. It needs to be a balanced approach and it needs to be significant.”
On whether he is disappointment by President Obama’s role in the debt-ceiling talks in that he didn’t push further with Republicans and Conservatives:
“I think so. He had his chance long ago when he could have threatened to raise the debt-ceiling come hell or high water, come 14th Amendment or high water. This was not the case in terms of him following through. I am disappointed. I think there have to be tax increases. That was his main premise. He didn’t enforce that. To me, it’s a Republican Tea Party victory. Whether they can continue that momentum in 2012, we will have to see in terms of the elections.”
On how the markets would have reacted if we had gotten more significant spending cuts and tax increases:
“Probably not much differently. The markets, and you can take Pimco as an example, are very skeptical in terms of any plan… In any case, the markets are skeptical of what government can in this particular situation. It is true, from our standpoint, although we are recommending that there is a long way to go in terms of reducing deficits, that when you do it in the short run, as the Tea Party would not recognize, that’s very fiscally contractionary. Within the next year or two, the U.S. government even under this guise of this particular plan will be fiscally contractionary to the extent of 0.5% to 1.5% of GDP. That suggests that the private sector has to come in and fill the breach and we do not think they are going to do that.”
On Paul Krugman’s argument that this is not the time for spending cuts:
“I think even Krugman would agree that up until this point the stimulus programs have been misguided. They have promoted consumption and basically Chinese production as opposed to U.S. production. Future programs, if there are going to be future programs from the standpoint of fiscal stimulus, will have to be directed at jobs and promote infrastructure, green and technologically advanced programs so that we can export something to the global economy. At the moment, we basically only import something from the global economy and that’s one of the problems we have.”
On whether Pimco is banking on another recession:
“Not yet. We are talking about it in an investment committee. Our numbers for the second half are 1% to 2% in terms of real GDP growth. They were 2% to 3%. We have reduced that based on recent statistics. We are not looking at another recession yet, but we are at a tipping point. We are at what we call a stall speed in which corporate profits don’t grow, jobs aren’t created. Therefore the economy sinks based on a stall speed concept in terms of airplanes.”
On whether the Federal Reserve should do more:
“The Fed is in the business of providing emergency liquidity and reducing the cost of credit. They’ve done a lot of that. The 5-Year is at 1.2%. They 10-Year is at 2.65%. They can do additional things. They have suggested that. They will talk about it next week and they’ll talk about it at Jackson Hole. There is the potential for a QE3. I suggest that that takes the form really of extended period language and some kind of cap in the 5-Year or 10-Year treasury securities, lowering the cost of credit even more. They are approaching a cul-de-sac, a dead-end, where all they can do has been done.”
On Gross’ monthly investment outlook issued today and whether he is continuing to look outside the U.S.:
“You want non-dollar based. As interest rates come down in the U.S. that basically suggests that the dollar is a less and less attractive investment. You want countries with cleaner dirty shirts: Germany, Canada, Mexico, Brazil with interest rates at 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%. That’s on the bond side. You want to look for commodities which benefit with a declining dollar. You want to look for global stocks that pay a consistent 3%+ type of dividend relative to the dramatically low interest rates we have in the U.S.”
On U.S. Treasuries:
“The call on U.S. Treasuries was always that there was something better. We’ve benefited from Germany and Canada. We are doing quite well in terms of the Total Return Fund – it’s up about 5%. Treasuries can do what they do but we are in the cleaner dirty shirt types of countries.
“We have a small percentage of U.S. Treasuries. The Total Return portfolio has about a 9% concentration in U.S. Treasuries and that’s up a little from last month. Those numbers will come out in the next few days and I hope I haven’t disturbed our legal people.”

Kasar ke atas perjanjian hutang-siling apa yang kita perlu memberi perhatian kepada: "Amat sedikit orang telah memberi tumpuan kepada liabiliti dalam tempoh jangka panjang. Kami mempunyai hutang $ 10-12 trilion, tetapi pada dasarnya, kita juga mempunyai $ 60 trilion kos hadir dari segi liabiliti masa hadapan. Kita bercakap tentang Medicare, Medicaid dan Keselamatan Sosial. Saya menyeru orang-orang hutang berjalan. Ini bermakna di samping pada kertas, kita mempunyai 330 juta orang yang berjalan di sekitar sebagai liabiliti masa depan bagi negara ini. Sehingga ke tahap yang kita telah janjikan kepada mereka hak-hak melalui penjagaan kesihatan dan Keselamatan Sosial, bahawa jumlah $ 60 trilion, enam kali hutang yang sedia ada. Kami mempunyai satu paus program satu untuk pergi, bukan sahaja dari segi program ini khususnya disasarkan, tetapi di segi tahun hadapan, di mana $ 1trillion kepada $ 2 trilion telah untuk datang dari bajet setiap tahun untuk mengekalkan yang kemiripan satu AAAnegara. "
Mengenai sama ada Amerika Syarikat boleh mendapatkan pendekatan yang seimbang: "Ia seolah-olah seperti penggubal undang-undang tidak boleh mendapatkan kepadanya dan sama ada mereka akan pada bulan November dan seterusnya adalah satu persoalan yang kritikal. Untuk cara pemikiran kita, kenaikan cukai perlu menjadi sebahagian daripada kenaikan persamaan cukai, bilionair dan dana lindung nilai di segi kepentingan dibawa, tetapi kita berbicara tentang syarikat serta. Perbadanan mempunyai kadar cukai terendah berdasarkan sejarah. 10% daripada KDNK bahawa mereka telah ada sejak abad yang lalu. Orang-orang yang akan menyarankan bahawa syarikat tidak akan melabur jika cukai mereka dikurangkan sedih silap. Ia perlu menjadi satu pendekatan yang seimbang dan ia perlu ketara. "
Mengenai sama ada dia adalah kekecewaan oleh peranan Presiden Obama dalam rundingan hutang-siling bahawa dia tidak menolak lanjut dengan Republikan dan Konservatif: "Saya fikir begitu. Beliau mempunyai peluang yang panjang lalu apabila dia dapat mengancam untuk meningkatkan neraka hutang-siling yang datang atau air yang tinggi, datang Pindaan 14 atau air tinggi. Ini bukan kes itu dari segi dia berikut melalui.Saya kecewa. Saya rasa ada kenaikan cukai. Itulah premis utama beliau. Dia tidak menguatkuasakan itu. Bagi saya, ia adalah kemenangan Parti Republikan Teh. Sama ada mereka boleh meneruskan momentum itu pada tahun 2012, kita perlu melihat dari segi pilihan raya. "
Mengenai bagaimana pasaran akan bertindak jika kita telah mendapat potongan perbelanjaan yang lebih penting dan kenaikan cukai: "Mungkin tidak banyak berbeza. Pasaran, dan anda boleh mengambil Pimco sebagai contoh, sangat ragu-ragu dari segi mana-mana pelan ... Dalam mana-mana kes, pasaran ragu-ragu apa yang kerajaan boleh dalam keadaan ini. Memang benar, dari sudut pandangan kita, walaupun kita mencadangkan bahawa terdapat satu cara yang lama untuk pergi dari segi mengurangkan defisit, apabila anda melakukannya dalam jangka pendek, sebagai Parti Teh tidak akan mengiktiraf, yang sangat fiskal menguncup. Dalam masa tahun depan atau dua, kerajaan Amerika Syarikat walaupun berselindung di sebalik ini pelan ini akan fiskal menguncup sehingga ke tahap 0.5% kepada 1.5% daripada KDNK. Ini menunjukkan bahawa sektor swasta telah datang dan mengisi pelanggaran ini dan kita tidak fikir mereka akan berbuat demikian. "
Atas hujah bahawa ini bukanlah masa untuk potongan perbelanjaan Paul Krugman: "Saya fikir walaupun Krugman akan bersetuju bahawa sehingga sehingga tahap ini program rangsangan telah sesat. Mereka telah menggalakkan penggunaan dan pengeluaran pada dasarnya Cina menentang pengeluaran AS. Program masa depan, jika ada akan menjadi program masa depan dari sudut pandangan rangsangan fiskal, akan ditujukan pada pekerjaan dan menggalakkan program-program infrastruktur, hijau dan teknologi canggih supaya kita boleh mengeksport sesuatu kepada ekonomi global. Pada masa ini, kita pada dasarnya hanya mengimport sesuatu daripada ekonomi global dan itulah salah satu masalah yang kita ada. "
Mengenai sama ada Pimco perbankan pada kemelesetan lain: "Belum. Kami bercakap tentang perkara ini dalam jawatankuasa pelaburan. Nombor kami bagi separuh kedua 1% hingga 2% dari segi pertumbuhan Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) benar. Mereka adalah 2% hingga 3%. Kami telah mengurangkan bahawa berdasarkan statistik baru-baru ini. Kami tidak melihat kemelesetan lain lagi, tetapi kita berada di titik tip.Kita adalah apa yang kita panggil kelajuan gerai di mana keuntungan korporat tidak berkembang, pekerjaan tidak dicipta.Oleh itu ekonomi tenggelam berdasarkan konsep kelajuan gerai dari segi kapal terbang. "
Mengenai sama ada Federal Reserve perlu melakukan lebih: "Fed adalah dalam perniagaan menyediakan mudah tunai kecemasan dan mengurangkan kos kredit. Mereka telah melakukan banyak itu. 5-Tahun pada 1.2%. Mereka 10 Tahun di 2,65%. Mereka boleh melakukan perkara-perkara tambahan.Mereka telah mencadangkan bahawa. Mereka akan bercakap tentang minggu depan dan mereka akan bercakap tentang di Jackson Hole. Terdapat potensi untuk QE3. Saya mencadangkan bahawa mengambil borang benar-benar bahasa tempoh lanjutan dan beberapa jenis topi dalam sekuriti perbendaharaan 5 Tahun atau 10 Tahun, mengurangkan kos kredit lebih. Mereka mendekati cul-de-sac, jalan buntu, di mana semua yang mereka boleh lakukan telah dilakukan. "
Mengenai prospek pelaburan kasar bulanan 'yang dikeluarkan hari ini dan sama ada beliau terus melihat di luar AS: "Anda mahu bukan dollar. Oleh kerana kadar faedah sampai di Amerika Syarikat yang pada asasnya menunjukkan bahawa dolar adalah satu pelaburan yang kurang dan kurang menarik.Anda mahu negara dengan baju yang bersih kotor: Jerman, Kanada, Mexico, Brazil dengan kadar faedah pada 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%. Itu di sebelah bon. Anda ingin mencari komoditi yang mendapat manfaat dengan dolar menurun. Anda ingin mencari saham global yang membayar konsisten 3% + jenis dividen berbanding dengan kadar faedah secara mendadak rendah kita telah di Amerika Syarikat "
Pada U. S. Perbendaharaan: "Panggilan Perbendaharaan AS sentiasa bahawa ada sesuatu yang lebih baik. Kami telah mendapat manfaat dari Jerman dan Kanada. Kami sedang melakukan agak baik dari segi Dana Nyata Jumlah - ia kira-kira 5%. Perbendaharaan boleh melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan tetapi kita adalah dalam jenis baju lebih bersih kotor negara.
"Kami mempunyai peratusan yang kecil Perbendaharaan AS.Jumlah Pulangan Portfolio mempunyai kira-kira 9% kepekatan dalam Perbendaharaan AS dan itulah sedikit dari bulan lepas.Nombor-nombor tersebut akan keluar dalam beberapa hari akan datang dan saya harap saya tidak diganggu orang undang-undang kita. "

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Max Keiser: AAA to junk - just what Wall St. wants!

by on Aug 2, 2011

While the compromise agreed in Washington comes just in time to prevent an immediate catastrophe, financial analyst Max Keiser believes it won't be enough to persuade ratings agencies to let America keep its precious 'triple A' credit score.

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SwingLine - Uptrend chart

IraEpsteinFutures | Jul 20, 2011 | 103 views
Commodities, Ira Epstein, Linn Group, Futures Trading, Online Trading, Technical Analysis, Metals Report, Sales: 866-973-2077
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110803 - Hyper Report

by on Aug 3, 2011

This Hyper Report is sponsored by ( )

Source Links for Today's Items:

US borrowing tops 100% of GDP: Treasury

Moody's Affirms AAA Rating, Lowers Outlook

Government Will Have No Ammunition to Counteract the Next Market Collapse

Gold to hit $2,000 before year end

Expect Silver to Trade in the Three Digits

Food Stamp Use Surges By Most In Years

The content contained in the Hyper Report is provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and before making any significant investing decisions. All stories are sourced and assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information.

This video is protected by the Fair use Act-Title 17 Chapter 1, Article 107 pertaining to the use of copyrighted works to illustrate an opinion, or for educational purposes...

Thank you.

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Jim Rogers on the Larry Kudlow CNBC 03 Aug 2011

Jim Rogers on the Larry Kudlow CNBC 03 Aug 2011

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3 August 2011 Johnson & Johnson Turns 125 rings NYSE Opening Bell

on Aug 3, 2011

On Wednesday, August 3, Chairman and CEO Bill Weldon rang the NYSE Opening Bell remotely from Johnson & Johnson world headquarters in New Brunswick, NJ, as part of the company's employee celebration of its 125th anniversary.
Caring for the world, one person at a time...inspires and unites the people of Johnson & Johnson. We embrace research and science - bringing innovative ideas, products and services to advance the health and well-being of people. Our approximately 116,000 employees at more than 250 Johnson & Johnson companies work with partners in health care to touch the lives of over a billion people every day, throughout the world. (Source: Johnson & Johnson)

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3 Aug 2011 Murphy Oil Celebrates 50 Years of Trading rings NYSE Closing ...

on Aug 3, 2011
El Dorado, Ark.-based Murphy Oil Corporation (NYSE: MUR), an international oil and gas company that conducts business through various operating subsidiaries, visited the NYSE to commemorate the company's 50th anniversary of trading. In honor of the occasion, Chairman William C. Nolan, joined by members of Murphy Oil Corporation's management team, rang The Closing BellSM.

About Murphy Oil Corporation:

Murphy Oil Corporation is an international oil and gas company that conducts business through various operating subsidiaries. The Company produces oil and/or natural gas in the United States, Canada, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and Republic of the Congo and conducts exploration activities worldwide. Murphy is headquartered in El Dorado, AR and has over 8,000 employees worldwide.

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A Gold Standard Dollar is the People's Money

by on Jul 19, 2011
95% of Americans earn a living with labor, wages and salaries to save for special purposes such as retirement, education and the costs of living. Having a dollar with stable purchasing power, like gold-backed currency, helps ordinary people and diminishes the advantage of the speculator and banker class in America.

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August 3, 2011 Midday Metals Report

IraEpsteinFutures | Aug 3, 2011 | 188 views
Commodities, Ira Epstein, Linn Group, Futures Trading, Online Trading, Technical Analysis, Metals Report, Sales: 866-973-2077

Intro to Moving Averages

by  on Feb 12, 2010
Commodities, Ira Epstein, Linn Group, Futures Trading, Online Trading, Technical Analysis, Metals Report, Sales: 866-973-2077

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Dow Moves Positive, Ending 8-day Streak

Aug 3, 2011 by

Stocks are finishing higher after a volatile day on Wall Street. The Dow Jones industrial average finished with its first gain after eight straight days of losses (Aug. 3)

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Gold prices may correct on profit taking-

Gold prices may correct on profit taking
Published: 4/08/2011 at 12:00 AM

· Newspaper section: Business

Gold prices may be due for a correction after being driven up by high demand from central banks in Asia that are buying gold as a reserve, cautions Nuttatee Jutavarakul, the CEO of the local brokerage Classic Gold Futures.

Prices have pushed above US$1,650 an ounce from $1,450 in June and have almost reached the resistance level at $1,670, so investors should beware of a possible reversal on profit-taking, Miss Nuttatee said yesterday.

"Since the price has moved up so quickly, by more than $100 an ounce, it's possible the price could dive and go below $1,600 in a short period also," she said. "If investors are not cautious, they could face a huge loss."

However, she said long-term investors should continue to hold the asset since gold is expected to ride an upward trend through the latter half of the year on the back of the continuing weakening of the dollar in line with the US economy.

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Economic Fears Pummel World Markets -

News Hub: Economic Fears Pummel World Markets 8/3/2011 10:25:31 AM

WSJ's Charles Forelle and Michael Casey join the News Hub to discuss pressures on U.S. and world markets caused by weak economic data. Photo: Reuters

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Investing in Mining Stocks: Life Cycle of Mines, Research & Fundamental ...

From: BuchanBullBullion | May 25, 2011 | 822 views
0:00 - 7:05 Research Tips and Fundamentals

7:05 - 14:00 Life Cycle of Mine Discussion and Analysis, Quick Discussion of (PRB, GPR, ABX, FR, SLW, PAA)

This is a discussion of investing in mining companies: How to research, What to Look for, as well as a discussion of The Life Cycle of a Mine and some discussion of a few different gold and silver miners in different stages of their life cycles (Probe Mines, Great Panther Silver, First Majestic Silver, Pan American Silver, Barrick Gold, Silver Wheaton).

Good Links: --discusses the race for mining licenses in Pakistan, National Interests, National Organizations

Stay tuned for a Fresh New Newsletter combining the ideas thoughts and backgrounds of Alexiscom1 and Myself -- a great combination in my opinion, as we are close friends, but have quite different backgrounds, and views upon events. Please shoot use your questions or ideas about things you would like to see covered in the newsletter. Topics will range from economies, to commodities, to stock markets, to whatever someone feels is related. --Sign-up for the Newsletter!!

Twitter: @BuchanAlexisPMC --Follow-on Twitter to get the latest information and analysis!!

As always, I love to hear peoples thoughts, counter-arguments, comments and questions.

All the Best and thanks for watching!

The Bull - my written blog--I do lots of written articles, usually on stocks and trading, whatever questions people have.

Welcome to the Buchan Bull Bullion Channel!!

Your Economic & Financial Friend!!

We specialize in Bullion Sales, Production and Custom Casting.

Buchan Bull 99.9% Fine Silver, Traditionally Hand-Poured, Serialized and Sealed Bars Batch #5 should be available around the end of March--Thanks to everyone for all the support and the incredible demand, which has sold out all of the previous four batches.

Thanks for viewing and your support of Buchan Bull Bullion.

As always any questions, comments and criticism are welcome, and All the Best!

Stay tuned for more updates and videos of the production process.

PLEASE NOTE: No materials used in production are stored on-site. All materials used in production, including molds, are kept at various secure off-site locations and accessed only for production or inventory control purposes, both for safety and chain of integrity purposes.


1. Do you know where your Silver comes from?

Every bar produced by Buchan Bull Bullion will be serialized and a log will be kept updated on which will allow bar owners to identify exactly what batch their bars have come from, and all batch information will include complete data identifying exact per gram weights of silver for each mint(if more than one mint's silver is required for a single batch) used in the production process.

2. Is your Silver produced using recycled inputs, creating a much more environmentally friendly production process?

At Buchan Bull Bullion we do not refine bullion and therefore require very little, ideally none, of the harsh, toxic and environmentally damaging products used in the refining and leeching process to purify unpure bullion to 99.9%. At Buchan Bull Bullion we start with 99.9% raw silver blanks, sourced from various US and Canadian mints.

3. Is you silver produced locally, supporting local business?

At Buchan Bull Bullion, we are a family operation with help from other small family businesses, in an attempt to keep everything at a local level. If you read a bit in the ABOUT THE BULL section, you will find that money is not the main objective at Buchan Bull Bullion. Here we want to educate our clients, and have our clients educate us; we want to go up against the big guys and come out on top. Buchan Bull Bullion is produced for the average Joe, because that is who the Bull is, just the average BULL.

Please feel free to comment or ask any questions.

The BULL's personal blog can be found at , as well as updates regarding production, and information on custom casting.

We guarantee the authenticity of all our products, especially those produced in-house. We will cut any bar into pieces or drill holes in any place to prove the authenticity of our pieces, and are very happy to discuss any concerns that clients may have.

All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advise. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold MinKL Invest harmless in any and all ways.