To put this in perspective, this is the 17th largest absolute drop in the 30 year treasury rate since January 1990.

What I found even more interesting is that the gap between 30 year treasury rates and 30 year breakeven inflation rates dropped to its lowest level in 13 years to just 1.25%:
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What I found even more interesting is that the gap between 30 year treasury rates and 30 year breakeven inflation rates dropped to its lowest level in 13 years to just 1.25%:
All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advise. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold MinKL Invest harmless in any and all ways.
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