In fact, any money that is currently being made in investments such as stocks or real estate needs to be measured in terms of real money, which has been, and always will be, gold and silver. For example, if we examine Warren Buffet's gains in terms of points, we can see that his world renowned company did very well [1]:
However, when these shares are measured in terms of the real value of gold, it can be observed that Buffet's company is not doing as well as might be thought [2] :
When using this type of yardstick, it becomes evident that even many from amongst the presumed successful ranks of investors are actually losing out because they are ignoring the important macroeconomic trends addressed here.
Profits from Investing in Gold:
Because the current wealth transfer is so colossal due to its global nature, the possibilities for currently undervalued asset classes such as gold and silver are almost astronomical. Although many people believe that gold, for example, is overpriced at its present price, it has yet to come close to its inflation adjusted 1980 high of $2,200 per ounce. Furthermore, market analysts expect that gold should reach much greater heights than this former $2,200 per ounce high in the coming years as the present US monetary base (i.e. the amount of dollars circulating around the world) is much greater than that of the period around 1980; the price of gold must catch up to the huge and ever-increasing monetary supply presently being circulated around the world. This time, the precious metal market will not only be accessible to North America and Western Europe as it was - for the most part - around 1980. The present bull market is global, with millionaires and billionaires situated all across the world potentially seeking out this comparatively tiny market.
The following is a list of some of the financial and precious metals experts. opinions of what types of prices gold might be reaching:
These 6 Analysts See Gold Price Going Parabolic from $10,000 to $15,000
- Mike Maloney: $15,000;
- Ben Davies: $10,000 . $15,000;
- Howard Katz: $14,000;
- Dr. Jeffrey Lewis: $7,000 . $14,000;
- Jim Rickards: $4,000 . $11,000;
- Roland Watson: $10,800
These 45 Analysts See Gold Price Peaking Between $5,001 and $10,000
- Bob Kirtley: $10,000 (by 2011);
- Arnold Bock: $10,000 (by 2012);
- Porter Stansberry: $10,000 (by 2012);
- Peter George: $10,000 (by Dec. 2015);
- Tom Fischer: $10,000;
- Shayne McGuire: $10,000;
- Eric Hommelberg: $10,000;
- David Petch: $6,000 . $10,000;
- Gerald Celente: $6,000 . $10,000;
- Egon von Greyerz: $6,000 . $10,000;
- Peter Schiff: $5,000 . $10,000 (in 5 to 10 years);
- Patrick Kerr: $5,000 . $10,000 (by 2011);
- Peter Millar: $5,000 . $10,000;
- Roger Wiegand: $5,000 . $10,000;
- Alf Field: $4,250 . $10,000;
- Jeff Nielson: $3,000 . $10,000;
- Dennis van Ek: $9,000 (by 2015);
- Dominic Frisby: $8,500;
- Paul Brodsky: $8,000;
- James Turk: $8,000 (by 2015);
- Joseph Russo: $7,000 . $8,000;
- Michael Rozeff: $2,865 . $7,151;
- Jim Willie: $7,000;
- Dylan Grice: $6,300;
- Chris Mack: $6,241.64 (by 2015);
- Chuck DiFalco: $6,214 (by 2018);
- Jeff Clark: $6,214;
- Aubie Baltin: $6,200 (by 2017);
- Murray Sabrin: $6,153;
- Samuel .Bud. Kress: $6,000 by 2014);
- Adam Hamilton: $6,000;
- Robert Kientz: $6,000;
- Harry Schultz: $6,000;
- John Bougearel: $6,000;
- David Tice: $5,000 . $6,000;
- Laurence Hunt: $5,000 . $6,000 (by 2019);
- Taran Marwah: $3,000 . $6,000+ (by Dec. 2011 and Dec. 2012, respectively);
- Martin Hutchinson: $3,100 . $5,700;
- Stephen Leeb: $5,500 (by 2015);
- Louise Yamada: $5,200;
- Jeremy Charlesworth: $5,000+;
- Przemyslaw Radomski: $5,000+;
- Jason Hamlin: $5,000+;
- Greg McCoach: $5,000+ (by 2012)
- David McAlvany: $5,000+
These 33 Analysts Believe Gold Price Could Go As High As $5,000,
- David Rosenberg: $5,000;
- Doug Casey: $5,000;
- Peter Cooper: $5,000;
- Robert McEwen: $5,000 (by 2012 -2014);
- Martin Armstrong: $5,000 (by 2016);
- Peter Krauth: $5,000;
- Tim Iacono: $5,000 (by 2017);
- Christopher Wyke: $5,000;
- Frank Barbera: $5,000;
- John Lee: $5,000;
- Barry Dawes: $5,000;
- Bob Lenzer: $5,000 (by 2015);
- Steve Betts: $5,000;
- Stewart Thomson: $5,000;
- Charles Morris: $5,000 (by 2015);
- Marvin Clark: $5,000 (by 2015?);
- Eric Sprott: $5,000;
- Bud Conrad: $4,000 . $5,000;
- Paul Mylchreest: $4,000 -$5,000;
- Pierre Lassonde: $4,000 . $5,000;
- Willem Middelkoop: $4,000 . $5,000;
- Mary Anne and Pamela Aden: $3,000 . $5,000 (by February 2012);
- James Dines: $3,000 . $5,000 (by June 2011);
- Goldrunner: $3,000 . $5,000 (by 2012);
- Bill Murphy: $3,000 . $5,000;
- Bill Bonner: $3,000 . $5,000;
- Peter Degraaf; $2,500 . $5,000;
- Eric Janszen: $2,500 . $5,000;
- Larry Jeddeloh: $2,300 . $5,000 (by 2013);
- Larry Edelson: $2,300 . $5,000 (by 2015);
- Luke Burgess: $2,000 . $5,000;
- Jim Sinclair: $1,650 . $5,000 ($1650 by January 14, 2011 OR $3,000-$5,000 by June 2011);
- Marc Faber: $1,500 . $5,000
These 26 Analysts Believe Gold Will Achieve a Parabolic Peak Price Between $3,000 and $4,999
- David Moenning: $4,525;
- Mike Knowles: $4,000;
- Ian Gordon/Christopher Funston: $4,000;
- Jay Taylor: $3,000 . $4,000;
- Christian Barnard: $2,500 -$4,000;
- John Paulson: $2,400 . $4,000 (by 2012);
- Myles Zyblock: $3,800;
- Eric Roseman: $3,500+;
- Christopher Wood: $3,360;
- Franklin Sanders: $3,130;
- John Henderson: $3,000+ (by 2015-17);
- Michael Berry: $3,000+; (by 2015)
- Hans Goetti: $3,000;
- Michael Yorba: $3,000;
- David Urban: $3,000;
- Mitchell Langbert: $3,000;
- Brett Arends: $3,000;
- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: $3,000;
- John Williams: $3,000;
- Byron King: $3,000;
- Bob Chapman: $3,000 (by 2011);
- Ron Paul: $3,000 (by 2020)
- Chris Weber: $3,000 (by 2020);
- Mark Leibovit: $3,000;
- Mark O.Byrne: $3,000;
- Kevin Kerr: $3,000
These 12 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go to Between $2,500 and $3,000
- Ian McAvity: $2,500 . $3,000 (by 2012);
- Jeffrey Nichols: $2,000 . $3,000;
- Graham French: $2,000 . $3,000;
- Bank of America Merrill Lynch: $2,000 . $3,000;
- Joe Foster: $2,000 . $3,000 (by 2019);
- David Morgan: $2,900;
- Sascha Opel: $2,500+;
- Rick Rule: $2,500 (by 2013);
- Daniel Brebner: $2,500;
- James DiGeorgia: $2,500;
- Peter Hambro: $2,500 (by 2012);
- Charles Nenner: $2,500 (by 2012 . 2013)
It can be concluded that numerous financial and precious metals analysts believe that gold will rise anywhere from its current price to anywhere between $2,500 to $15,000 per ounce. What supports these types of estimations is the fact that, in relation to current global assets being traded, gold is in actuality incredibly undervalued. In the following graph, it can be observed that - unlike the past - a significantly small portion of global financial assets is currently being invested in gold.
With current economic conditions, the present undervalued status of gold is expected by market analysts to quickly correct itself as investors across the globe continue to pile in to invest their money in the comparatively tiny market of gold. This is expected to send its price to unimaginable heights.
Indeed, some analysts suggest that the gold market is so small with so much global wealth to be allocated to a limited amount of metals, that even a small influx of global capital would cause prices to go from gold.s present price to the tens of thousands per ounce. Writing for Newsweek, Shayne Mcguire had the following to say:
What if the world's investors decided to transfer 3 to 5 percent of wealth out of cash and into hard money? Considering that only 0.6 percent of global financial assets is [sic] currently held in the metal, such a movement could push gold prices into the tens of thousands of dollars per ounce. But if we reached that point, would it finally mean that gold had become insanely expensive, or simply that the world had less faith in the printed paper debentures of profligate governments? Which currency is more trustworthy? Which one is the real money?
To find out how you can be on the right side of this massive global wealth transfer in a secure and Sharia compliant manner with G.I. Metals DMCC, email us
[1]Warren Buffet Lacks Cycles Education (accessed January 24 2011); available from; Internet.
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