Monday 22 August 2011

Harry Dent - The Great Depression Ahead

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Harry Dent - The Great Depression Ahead

New York Times Best Selling author of "The Great Depression Ahead:How to Prosper in the Crash that Follows the Greatest Boom in History", Economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent predicts deflation coming with prices of real estate continuing to fall but he is bullish on the US dollar and not so much on Gold , Harry Dent is a fan of the Australian economist Steve Keen who has been warning about a Deflation for years . 

Dent says we are in for a major crash just ahead, and a decade-long economic slump based on population demographics. The peak of the baby boomers' spending was from 1983 to 2007, and that's why we are seeing a cyclical drop off in the economy, he explained. "All this government stimulus isn't going to work because you can't get older people to spend their money," he added. Dent predicted that real estate values will continue to fall another 20-30% between 2012-2015, before prices are stabilized. 

Debt needs to be restructured, and the "government should only reward banks that write down loans that free up consumers," he suggested. He also advised people to sell their stocks later this year, and get as liquid as possible, as he sees the Dow falling as low as 3300. Interestingly, he believes that the dollar will retain or go up in value during the crash. Based on demographics, he foresees a new global economic boom beginning somewhere between 2020--2022.Harry S. Dent, Jr.lays out the steps in our economic journey, including how we got to this point, the changes we are going through, and what to expect in the years to come. 

As always, there are great investments available, as long as you know what to look for! Mr. Dent is the developer of The Dent Method - an economic forecasting approach based on changes in demographic trends

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