Wednesday 18 May 2011

Peter Schiff’s Crash Proof 2.0 - Kip Herriage’s Crashproof Prosperity - Books

Peter Schiff’s Crash Proof 2.0 and Kip Herriage’sCrashproof Prosperity have created some confusion in the marketplace, especially with the new launch of the Crashproof Prosperity Program.
Peter Schiff is a best-selling author (Crash Proof 2.0), 2010 candidate for republican senate nomination, investment broker, and economic forecaster.  He has been widely seen on financial news programs and has predicted long term economic turmoil in the US and around the world.  He has been quoted as saying he predicts gold to surpass $5000.00 per ounce in the next few years. His former book, “Crash Proof” (2007) forecast the financial collapse of 2008.
Kip Herriage is a successful CEO (Wealth Masters International), author (Crashproof Prosperity), and former Wall Street advisor who was the youngest ever vice chair of Openheimer at the time of his appointment.   He is the long time writer of the VRA Letter, which is now available through his new financial program, also called Crashproof Prosperity. He also predicted the 2008 crash and advised his newsletter subscribers accordingly.
This is where some of the confusion lies:  Crashproof Prosperity is the title of Herriage’s book, and also the title of his new subscription financial program. Peter Schiff’s title, Crash Proof 2.0 is similar enough that it gets confused with Herriage’s offering. The Crashproof Prosperity financial program is designed as a “next step” to Herriage’s book by the same name.  Looking at Peter Schiff’s book, Kip Herriage’s subscription service would work just as well as a next step to Crash Proof 2.0 as well.
Both authors are students of Austrian Economics and teach a lot of the same points.  They may not advise you to do the exact same things to protect yourself from the ongoing financial crisis, but they are both predicting worse yet to come, and agree on many major issues.
The Crashproof Prosperity program is a subscription service that:
  • Follows  the latest information and events in the economy and the worldwide financial system.
  • Shows specifically how that information relates to the individual investor.
  • Follows the personal portfolio of Kip Herriage, former Wall Street Insider who was able to predict the dot-bomb, housing bubble, and the crash of 2008, making the subscribers to his VRA letter lots and lots of money in the process.
  • Provides commentary by Gerald Celente (Trends Journal), known as the world’s #1 trends forecaster, and includes a subscription to his Trends Journal publication.
  • Also includes insider business and political commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, and more.
Books can get outdated fast and real investors need to keep up with economic events around the world that are happening at lightening speed.  Some of the suggestions in books like Peter Schiff’s Crash Proof 2.0 or Kip Herriage’s Crashproof Prosperity will become irrelevant, and some probably already have.  This is why Herriage offers an ongoing service…and it’s also why he brings in others Like Celente and Wayne Allyn Root to work with him.
Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion between Crash Proof 2.0 and Crashproof Prosperity…and hopefully it has inspired a few people to take a closer look at what it happening in the world today.  The way the economy looks at this time, many are suggesting to prepare for the worst.  Either of these books, and especially the ongoing Crashproof program, are great places to start.
For more information:
Peter Schiff: Crash Proof 2.0

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